libvisual  0.5.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNLVLibvisual namespace
|oCActorActor class
|oCAlignedAllocatorAligned memory allocator
|oCAlignedAllocator< void, alignment >
|oCAudioMulti-channel audio stream class
|oCBufferReference-counted memory block
|oCDFTComputes a Discrete Fourier Transform
|oCIntrusivePtrIntrusive smart pointer class template
|oCMorphMorph class
|oCPaletteColour palette class for indexed colour modes
|oCPluginRegistryManages the registry of plugins
|oCRandomContextPseudorandom number generator class
|oCRectClass describing an axis-aligned rectangle
|oCSingletonSingleton class template
|oCSongInfoSong information class
|oCTimeEncodes time
|\CVideoCanvas class for drawing operations
oCVisActorPluginActor plugin class
oCVisEventGeneric event
oCVisEventCustomCustom event
oCVisEventKeyboardKeyboard event
oCVisEventMouseButtonMouse button event
oCVisEventMouseMotionMouse movement event
oCVisEventNewSongSong change event
oCVisEventParamParameter change event
oCVisEventQuitApplication quit event
oCVisEventResizeResize event
oCVisEventVisibilityVisibility event
oCVisGLAttrEntryOpenGL framebuffer attribute entry
oCVisInputPluginInput plugin class
oCVisKeySymCantains data about the current keyboard state
oCVisLogSourceContains information on the source of a log message
oCVisMorphPluginMorph plugin class
oCVisPluginInfoThe VisPluginInfo data structure contains information about a plugin and is filled within the plugin itself